Call for papers

Guest editors from the TEQ21-project are pleased to announce the call for papers on Teachers’ transdisciplinary competencies Teachers’ professional diversity competence for the Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). Special issue: Perspectives on teachers’ transdisciplinary professional competence Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 1st, 2019 Deadline for full papers: February 15th, 2020 Estimated publication date: May, 2020.

Spørreundersøkelse igang

In process of collecting survey data from first year teacher students. Vi er i gang med å samle surveydata fra lærestudenter på MGLU5-10 programmet. Vi gjennomførte en vellyket datainnsamlingsprosess med elektronisk godkjenning av samtykke. Deretter fikk vi god svarprosent på første runde med spørsmål om hva som forstås med «læreres profesjonskompetanse». Vi ser fram til neste runde med spørreundersøkelse og gleder oss til å komme igang med intervjuer og observasjon av praksis.

Sommerseminar i TEQ21

18. juni ble det arrangert sommerseminar for TEQ21-gruppa hvor samarbeidsskolene også var invitert med. Planer for datainnsamling og hvordan samabeidsskolene kan delta som medforskere ble diskutert. Dagen ble avsluttet med en bedre middag. Med ønske om en riktig god sommer!

Nå er vi i gang!

TEQ21: Piloting data collection instruments for WP6 – Teachers Professional Digital Competence: Observing student teachers’ in action during practice placement  Forskerne Leikny Øgrim, Ove Edvard Hatlevik og Monica Johannesen har besøkt studenter i praksis ved Hasle skole for å prøve ut instrumenter for observasjon av lærerstudenter i praksis i forbindelse med arbeidspakke 6 – Læreres profesjonsfaglige digitale kompetanse  Skolen bruker Ipad og appen Ithougts for å planlegge og gjennomføre «Den gode timen». Det var interessant å se hvordan bruk av digitale verktøy ble integrert i undervisningen uten at teknologien i seg selv tok oppmerksomheten bort fra læringsarbeidet.  I observasjonsguiden setter vi fokus på lærerstudentens bruk av digitale verktøy i undervisning, klasseledelse i teknologirike klasserom og teknologisk terminologi som brukes i dialog med elever. Disse første observasjonene ga oss verdifull informasjon til justering av observasjonsguiden og et godt felles grunnlag for forståelse i kommende observasjoner.  Vi gleder oss til å møte studentene til gruppeintervju når de er ferdige med praksisperioden, både fordi vi ønsker å vite mer om den observerte praksisen, men også fordi vi har behov for å prøve ut intervjuguiden vi skal bruke i hovedprosjektet. 

Literature review – Output 1

Our Output 1 – Literature review about the concept of Digital competence has been finalised by the Irish partner from Limerick. The literature review deals with three key areas, namely: The first part of the review aims to problematise the concept of Digital competence and unpack the many assumptions underpinning the term. Through this analysis the review aims to arrive at a robust working definition that encompasses the complex set of knowledge, skills and competencies encompassed by the term. The second part of the review aims to examine what is recognised as digital competence in teacher education internationally. Specifically it aims to explore how other jurisdictions define the concept and what skills, knowledge and attitudes encompass digital competence for teachers in other countries, cognisant of their national socio-historical and cultural contexts. The third section will explore research that has studied intervention programmes within teacher education that have evaluated the impact of different approaches to equipping pre-service teachers with digital competence. This section aims to explore the types of programmes offered, the mode(s) of delivery and how levels of digital competence was ultimately assessed and determined.

ECER 2018 – Bolzano, Italy

The collaboration between the five institutions has so far resulted in a pilot survey in the autumn 2017 where 1463 first-year student teachers were asked to answer the same questions, in their local language, on self-reported digital competence, attitudes towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning and fincluding questions on cyber ethics. In the symposium at ECER we gave a short introduction to the DICTE project, our objectives and methods. Developing Student Teachers’ Digital Competence (DiCTE) An Introduction to the Project This was followed by three paper presentations that each explored targeted areas of developing ICT in teacher education. These are all areas of general relevance for developing ICT in teacher education throughout Europe. The first paper was based on the first output, a literature review of the concept of digital competence,  highlighting some of the current debates within the field as well as the historical roots of the concept digital competence. The review will serve as a foundation for the survey tool that is being developed. Digital Competence in Teacher Education: Historical roots and current manifestations. The second and third papers were based on a pilot survey from autumn 2017 in the participating countries Ireland, Norway and Spain. The second paper examined student teachers’ attitude towards ICT in learning, focusing  on discussing the validity of the questions on attitude toward ICT to ensure that variation in results across countries are not due to the existence of measurement bias. The last paper explored cyber ethics through a cross-country analysis. Student teachers’ attitude towards ICT: An analysis of perceived usefulness Student across teachers , ICT and cyber four European ethics countries