By-passing teachers in the marketing of digital technologies: the synergy of educational technology discourse and new public management practices

Oliver McGarr & Bård Ketil Engen This paper examines the online marketing of digital technologies in education from three multi-national technology corporations’ websites focusing on both the language used in the text and the nature of the accompanying images. Through a content analysis, the paper shows the ways in which the need for technology investment is rationalised. It also highlights how the need for educational reform drives much of the discourse in relation to K-12 education whereas, within the higher education sites, alignment with existing practices is emphasised. The analysis of the sites highlights the veiled ways in which digital futures are presented and how the corporations and their products and services are positioned. The paper highlights how educational technology advertising capitalises on new public management practices in education to a target school and university management in the promotion and marketing of educational technology – largely by-passing those working at the coalface of education. Learning, Media and Technology:

Special Issue Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021): Digital Competence in Teacher Education across Europe

Guest editors: Tonje H. Giæver, Adrian McDonagh, Louise Mifsud, Josephine Milton This special issue focuses on the increasingly important concern of digital competence in initial teacher education and examines the range of digital competencies required by educators in a rapidly evolving digital context.  Teacher education plays a critical role in preparing teachers to integrate digital technologies in teaching and learning and needs to equip teachers with the skills to adapt to changing technologies and curricula in the future. The issue is available from:

TEQ21-symposium at ECER 21: “Teacher Education and Transdisciplinary Teacher Professional Competencies”

A successful online symposium led by chair Monica Johannesen with contributions from four work packages highlighted and integrated by discussant Bjørn Smestad on the last day of the conference. Prosjektet kan rapportere om et vellykket og godt besøkt symposium med tittelen «Teacher Education and Transdisciplinary Teacher Professional Competencies”. På konferansens siste dag, etter 740 ulike sesjoner og over 2300 innlegg, holdt forskere fra fire av arbeidspakkene i TEQ21 innlegg i symposiet. Prosjektleder Monica Johannesen fungerte som chair og Bjørn Smestad tok ansvaret som discussant. Birgitte Lund Nielsen og Jens Hansen Lund presenterte i sitt innlegg, «How do the Stakeholders in Teacher Education Understand Professional Competency?», ulike kunnskapstyper i lærerutdanning. I «The Notion of Diversity – A Useful Concept in Today’s Teacher Education?» presenterte Astrid Gillespie og Hanne Rinholm utfordringer knyttet til begrepet mangfold. Kirsten Thorsen og Pål Lundberg la i sitt innlegg «A Research-based Teacher Education – The Perspective of Teacher Educator» fram funn fra en undersøkelse om hvordan lærerutdannere på campus forstår en forskningsbasert lærerutdanning. Wycliff Edwin Tusiime holdt et innlegg om hvordan videreutvikle lærerutdanneres digitale kompetanse i Uganda med tittelen «Optimizing Educators’ Digital Competence: How prepared are Teacher Training Institutions in Uganda».

Digital competence in teacher education: comparing national policies in Norway, Ireland and Spain

Oliver McGarr, Louise Mifsud & Juan Carlos Colomer Rubio This paper explores the development of policies dealing with teachers’ digital competence in Norway, Ireland and Spain. Using a documentary research approach, the study analysed relevant policy documents from each country over a thirty-year period to the present day. Analysis of the documents highlights historical differences and similarities in how technology in education policies developed during that period and differences in how teacher education was addressed. Despite these differences, the analysis indicates a convergence in recent years towards a common understanding and the importance of teachers’ digital competence influenced by supranational frameworks. The paper discusses the potential influence of these supranational frameworks and examines the opportunities and challenges of this policy convergence.

Questionnaire for measuring digital competence

Output two in the project was to develop a questionnaire for measuring digital competence among student teachers. Below we have postet the final version(s) of the questionnaire that have been developed, as well as Norwegian and Spanish translations English questionnaire Norwegian questionnaire Spanish questionnaire Feel free to download, reuse, revise, etc.

Sharing good practices across Europe when developing ICT in teacher education (DICTE)

Overall the Sharing practices (O4) report provides reflections on the insights the DICTE (Developing ICT in Teacher Education) group has gained in the project by sharing digital practices in teacher education. The complete templates with practice examples from each country, are attached in the appendix. The report summarizes the main points of the practices and connects to the PEAT model which has been developed by the project group. Download the report Responsible coordinating partners: Greta Gudmundsdottir & Anubha Rohatgi University of Oslo and Tonje Giæver & Louise Mifsud Oslo Metropolitan University with contributions from the whole project team which includes in alphabetical order: Patrick Camilleri University of Malta, Juan Carlos Colomer University of Valencia, Bård Ketil Engen Oslo Metropolitan University, Ove Edvard Hatlevik Oslo Metropolitan University, Hector Hernandez Gassó University of Valencia, José Ramón Insa University of Valencia, Adrian McDonagh University of Limerick, Oliver McGarr University of Limerick, Josephine Milton University of Malta.

Seminar with Advisory Board, 24.-25. September 2020

Foto: Trine Simonsen, skjermdump Zoom We can report from a successful project seminar with the two members of the Advisory Board. Due to the Covid-19 travel restrictions, the seminar was conducted as a hybrid one, some of us meeting in physical presence and others online.   TEQ21 har hatt sitt andre seminar med representanter fra prosjektets Advisory Board. Denne gangen hadde vi fokus på metodiske og teoretiske utfordringer i prosjektet. Nettbaserte møter er krevende, så for å legge til rette for mindre felles tid på nett, ble hver arbeidspakke bedt om å lage en «video-pitch» som løftet fram de mest sentrale utfordringene for pågående forskning. På den måten kunne AB-medlemmene og prosjektdeltakere, på forhånd bli kjent med tema for diskusjon, og tiden på nett bli brukt mer målrettet. Vi brukte også tiden med AB til å diskutere veien videre på arbeider presentert i «extended abstract», slik som innsendte bidrag til ECER 2020 som ble avlyst dette året på grunn av Covid-19. Etter to dagers seminar, noe på nett og noe i grupper, har vi identifisert nye muligheter og ideer om veien videre. 

Exploring the digital competence of pre-service teachers on entry onto an initial teacher education programme in Ireland

Oliver McGarr & Adrian McDonagh Abstract This study aimed to explore the digital competence of recent entrants into a pre-service teacher education programme in an Irish University. The participants were drawn from a cohort of 208 undergraduate teacher education students. The study employed an online survey that captured both self-reported levels of digital competence and knowledge of key areas of cyber ethics and digital technology. The respondents were active users of technology and very frequent users of social media but reported levels of skills in the use of other digital technologies were lower. In addition, their knowledge of cyber-ethics and associated practices varied. The study also found that they were positively disposed to technology in teaching. The paper argues that, while there are limitations to surveys that aim to capture one’s level of digital competence, they can help guide teacher educators in responding to pre-service teachers. However, digital competence is an evolving concept and care must be taken to ensure that frameworks and tools used to assess it do not stifle teachers’ autonomy in relation to their utilisation of technology.