Special issue: Digital Competence for Teachers. Perspectives and foresights for a new school

Vol. XXVII, n. 61, 4th quarter, October 1 2019 https://www.revistacomunicar.com/index.php?contenido=revista&numero=61 Thematic EditorsDr. Juan Carlos Colomer Rubio – Universidad de Valencia – EspañaDr. Héctor Hernández Gassó – Universidad de Valencia – EspañaDr. Bård Ketil Engen – Universidad Metropolitana de Oslo – Noruega This special issue is presented as a contribution to the analysis and discussion of both the theoretical and practical aspects related to TDC, its impact on teacher training and the future challenges and difficulties that it presents. To this end, this monographic reflects on the need for technology in future teachers’ initial and ongoing training from different perspectives. Such reflection will surely allows the different models for handling TDC that have been developed in recent years to be considered in more depth and, in addition, it propose specific experiences that could be applied in different educational contexts.

Understanding social and cultural aspects of teachers’ digital competencies

Bård Ketil Engen ABSTRACT Many European governments, including Norway, have ambitious educational policies regarding digitalisation. Many businesses and policymakers pay great attention to the use of digital technologies in education in order to meet the future demands for a competent and qualified workforce. Among researchers and policymakers, there is a general consensus that the professional teacher is a key figure for the successful implementation of digital technologies in schools. Many expectations have been placed upon professional teachers regarding the implementation and use of digital technologies. The professional teacher is, to a certain degree, supposed to independently decide how digital technologies should be used in the classroom. This paper discusses what the concept of a ‘professional digitally competent teacher’ may mean in the context of schools. It also argues the need for a greater understanding of professional digital competence, one which takes into consideration various social and cultural aspects with regard to technology, schools and the teaching profession. In unpacking the social and cultural conditions for implementing technology in a professional teaching context, I will draw on concepts from the constructivist understanding of technology, namely, the ‘domestication of technology’.

Call for papers

Guest editors from the TEQ21-project are pleased to announce the call for papers on Teachers’ transdisciplinary competencies Teachers’ professional diversity competence for the Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). Special issue: Perspectives on teachers’ transdisciplinary professional competence Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 1st, 2019 Deadline for full papers: February 15th, 2020 Estimated publication date: May, 2020. https://journals.hioa.no/index.php/nordiccie/announcement?fbclid=IwAR1QR3a5XMca6CP4571_dH79tYX9FGXhUqtQQLwj_MdJfuON7LTzxYyg3v4

Spørreundersøkelse igang

In process of collecting survey data from first year teacher students. Vi er i gang med å samle surveydata fra lærestudenter på MGLU5-10 programmet. Vi gjennomførte en vellyket datainnsamlingsprosess med elektronisk godkjenning av samtykke. Deretter fikk vi god svarprosent på første runde med spørsmål om hva som forstås med «læreres profesjonskompetanse». Vi ser fram til neste runde med spørreundersøkelse og gleder oss til å komme igang med intervjuer og observasjon av praksis.

Sommerseminar i TEQ21

18. juni ble det arrangert sommerseminar for TEQ21-gruppa hvor samarbeidsskolene også var invitert med. Planer for datainnsamling og hvordan samabeidsskolene kan delta som medforskere ble diskutert. Dagen ble avsluttet med en bedre middag. Med ønske om en riktig god sommer!

Nå er vi i gang!

TEQ21: Piloting data collection instruments for WP6 – Teachers Professional Digital Competence: Observing student teachers’ in action during practice placement  Forskerne Leikny Øgrim, Ove Edvard Hatlevik og Monica Johannesen har besøkt studenter i praksis ved Hasle skole for å prøve ut instrumenter for observasjon av lærerstudenter i praksis i forbindelse med arbeidspakke 6 – Læreres profesjonsfaglige digitale kompetanse  Skolen bruker Ipad og appen Ithougts for å planlegge og gjennomføre «Den gode timen». Det var interessant å se hvordan bruk av digitale verktøy ble integrert i undervisningen uten at teknologien i seg selv tok oppmerksomheten bort fra læringsarbeidet.  I observasjonsguiden setter vi fokus på lærerstudentens bruk av digitale verktøy i undervisning, klasseledelse i teknologirike klasserom og teknologisk terminologi som brukes i dialog med elever. Disse første observasjonene ga oss verdifull informasjon til justering av observasjonsguiden og et godt felles grunnlag for forståelse i kommende observasjoner.  Vi gleder oss til å møte studentene til gruppeintervju når de er ferdige med praksisperioden, både fordi vi ønsker å vite mer om den observerte praksisen, men også fordi vi har behov for å prøve ut intervjuguiden vi skal bruke i hovedprosjektet. 

Literature review – Output 1

Our Output 1 – Literature review about the concept of Digital competence has been finalised by the Irish partner from Limerick. The literature review deals with three key areas, namely: The first part of the review aims to problematise the concept of Digital competence and unpack the many assumptions underpinning the term. Through this analysis the review aims to arrive at a robust working definition that encompasses the complex set of knowledge, skills and competencies encompassed by the term. The second part of the review aims to examine what is recognised as digital competence in teacher education internationally. Specifically it aims to explore how other jurisdictions define the concept and what skills, knowledge and attitudes encompass digital competence for teachers in other countries, cognisant of their national socio-historical and cultural contexts. The third section will explore research that has studied intervention programmes within teacher education that have evaluated the impact of different approaches to equipping pre-service teachers with digital competence. This section aims to explore the types of programmes offered, the mode(s) of delivery and how levels of digital competence was ultimately assessed and determined.