Teq21 has conducted a successful symposium on NERA 2022.
The title of the symposium was “Teacher education stretched between a research turn and a practical turn” and consisted of five presentations:
«Teachers’ professional competence in policy documents for school and teacher education in Norway» presented by Monica Johannesen and Bjørn Smestad
«Tensions between policy and stakeholders’ perceptions about the acquisition of teachers’ diversity competence (tDIVc) in teacher education» presented by Astrid Gillespie and Hanne Rinholm
«Teacher educators’ efforts supporting student teachers’ research and development competence on campus and in placement –tensions and coherence» presented by Kirsten Thorsen and Pål Lundberg
«Teachers´ professional digital competence, between policy, theory and practice» presented by Leikny Øgrim and Monica Johannesen
«Systematic observation as a supportive tool in Teacher Education (TE)» presented by Beverley Goldshaft
The symposium was led by chair Bjørn Smestad. Professor Louise Mifsud acted as discussant and provided both constructive criticism and interesting questions and considerations Teq21 will take with us further.